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Fast & Reliable 
Real-Time Results

We know you want to see what EBT Rescue is all about, so go ahead and visit the site below!

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Data You Can Trust

01. Fast & Agile

Simply enter your starting address, distance, and store numbers and let EBT Rescue do the rest of the work for you!

02. Accurate Map Results

We use Google Maps to ensure accurate results on all search results using satellites to know your location up to around 20 meters. 

03. Real-Time Updates

Our service is connected to the United States EBT Service Website to show accurate and up to date stores that accept EBT.

EBT Rescue Relies On Simplicity

EBT Rescue is very simple to use. With a great user experience set up and minimal user input requirements, users can easily get the information needed.




Created by Ashley Kang, Anthony Tran-Pham, Anthony Ho Nguyen, Allison Chen, and Shiv Patel. We are all Computer Science majors at Cal Poly Pomona.  


Our vision was to create an easy way for people to find stores that accept EBT. Being able to find essential items should not be something that should be difficult for people. 


Our website runs on AWS and utilizes many different resources to make the whole service work. Some of these resources are the United States EBT Website and Google Maps.

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